
Interim Summary of "Report on the Ethical Review System in the Healthcare Sector” Released: Working towards the ethical use of healthcare data

December 23, 2021

慶應義塾大学法学部の大屋雄裕教授(慶應義塾大学ウェルビーイングリサーチセンター兼担研究員)を座長とするPeOPLe共創・活用コンソーシアム「ヘルスケアデータと倫理」タスクフォースは、「ヘルスケア分野における倫理審査制度のあり方に関する報告書 中間とりまとめ」を発表しました。

本報告書は、超高齢化社会の到来やウェルビーイングへの配慮の高まりから注目が集まっているヘルスケア分野において、健常な成人を対象として日常的・継続的に取得されるデータについての倫理的な利活用のあり方を検討し、倫理審査制度の構築を提言したものです。なお、国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構(JST)の「産学共創プラットフォーム共同研究推進プログラム」(OPERA)(グラント番号:JPMJOP1842)の支援により作成しました。



(1) 本報告書の概要・目的





(2) 今後の展開




The PeOPLe Co-Creation and Utilization Consortium’s Task Force on Healthcare Data and Ethics has released an interim report on the state of the ethical review system in the healthcare sector. The Task Force is chaired by Keio University Faculty of Law Professor Takehiro Ohya, who has a concurrent appointment as a researcher at the Keio University Wellbeing Research Center.

The report examines the ethical use of data that is routinely and continuously collected from healthy adults in healthcare, a field attracting attention due to the arrival of a super-aging society and increasing consideration around wellbeing, and proposes the establishment of an ethical review system. The report was put together with support from the Program on Open Innovation Platform with Enterprises, Research Institutes and Academia (OPERA), an initiative of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST; Grant number: JPMJOP1842).
Interim Summary of "Report on the Ethical Review System in the Healthcare Sector” can be found here (Only available in Japanese at this time):



(1) Overview

In the healthcare field, a number of attempts have been made in recent years to provide beneficial services to people by utilizing data obtained on a daily basis. Examples include mobile apps that encourage people to improve their lifestyle based on data such as the number of steps, heart rate, and body weight obtained from wearable devices and body composition analyzer.

However, it is not clear to what extent ethical considerations for values such as privacy and equality, in addition to legal compliance, are required for such services. For example, the "Guidelines for the Handling of Health Checkup Information by Private PHR Providers" and the "Report of the Private Sector Utilization Task Force" were released from the Government of Japan in April 2021. Although the discipline of health checkup information has become more concrete, "businesses that exclusively handle vital or healthcare information that individuals measure themselves on a daily basis" are exempt from them. That is still an open question.

To address this issue, we aimed to propose an effective governance method by organizing a task force of experts from various fields and by receiving " on-the-ground" opinions from business leaders who are actually trying to utilize healthcare data.


(2) Future Outputs

This interim report summarized the current situations and problems surrounding the utilization of healthcare data, and highlighted the need for review systems to ensure that legal, ethical, and social considerations are appropriately realized.

Based on this, in the near future, we plan to provide recommendations for responsible data utilization, assuming specific use cases, in the form of a check sheet and a data governance framework. It can be used for self-evaluation and/or third-party audit.

We welcome opinions and feedback from stakeholders in order to improve the proposal in line with the actual situation in various fields.

